
Procurement that promotes diversity and sustainability benefits our school and community. Let’s ensure that our purchasing decisions reflect these values.
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Procurement Policies

The school procures only those goods and services which are required to perform the mission and/or fill a bona fide need. Procurements are made using best value contracting which includes assessing the best value considering quality, performance, and price. PACS shall procure goods and services in accordance with Section 49-13-11 of the Charter Schools Act. PACS will use a competitive procurement, which requires sound business reasons for purchases less than $1,000. PACS will select the best value by obtaining three written quotes for items greater than $1,000 and less than $5,000. Finally, a formal bid process will be used for items greater than $5,000, in which three bids will be received and evaluated using a formal evaluation process.

  1. The school adheres to the following objectives:
    1. Procurements will be completely impartial based strictly on the merits of supplier, and contractor proposals and applicable related considerations such as delivery, quantity, etc.
    2. Make all purchases in the best interest of the school and its funding sources.
    3. Obtain quality supplies/services needed for delivery at the time and place required.
    4. Buy from responsible sources of supply.
    5. Obtain maximum value for all expenditures.
    6. Deal fairly and impartially with all vendors.
    7. Maintain dependable sources of supply.
    8. Be always above suspicion of unethical behavior; avoid any conflict of interest, related parties or even the appearance of a conflict of interest in the charter school supplier relationships.
  2. The Charter School will execute a Purchase Order for all purchases, and it shall be approved by the Business Manager for purchases less than $5,00 and by the Charter Leader and the Business Manager for the purchase greater than $5,000 (Get BOD input on limits)
  3. Lease agreements will be evidenced by a lease or sublease agreement approved by the Board of Trustees and signed by the Charter Leader. The agreement will identify all the terms and conditions of the lease. Any real estate agreement to rent or sell will require a beneficial interest disclosure as required in MGL Chapter 7, section 40J.